Monday, November 10, 2014

How to resubmit Imaging Document to Invoke the SOA Workflow

In many Scenario where Soa Workflow is being triggered from IPM Application,it happens that the

BPEL workflow is not being triggered because of many issues like workflow injection was disabled

at that time,or SOA instance is down etc.

So the question most Imaging Users arrive at sooner or later is “how can a document be resubmitted to workflow?”

When a document is created or uploaded in WebCenter Imaging, if a workflow connection exists the

Imaging managed server automatically attempts to inject the document into workflow. However, in

scenarios where either the SOA instance is down or another error causes a workflow injection failure,

the workflow never gets started. If an error occurs, the document id is written to the

BPEL_FAULT_DATA table in the Imaging schema (e.g. DEV_IPM).  It’s worth noting up front that

this table only contains errors related to the injection of the document into workflow, but does not

track faults that occur with the BPEL process itself. The BPEL_FAULT_DATA table only tracks

issues where Imaging could not initiate the workflow.

submitIPMToWorkflow – 

Submits a document to the workflow agent. Note that a confirmation message is displayed stating that the document has been submitted, however if the document is stored in an application that is not configured with a workflow, no action is taken.


In addition to Web Service calls, Java can be used to resubmit documents to workflow. The DocumentService class allows for the same operation using the following method:



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