Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Use of javascript in ADF

In your ADF web application you may want to use javaScript functions to perform some actions in client side. I will list some of the major javaScript functions which I use it in my applications.

1- Put inside af:document --> af:resource component with type javaScript (prefer to put the af:resource component inside metaContainer facet of af:document).

2- use af:clientListener component to call the function.

some of the JavaScript sample :

- Open popup
function openPopup(evt){
var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("popupId");

- Hide poup
function aboutOkButton(event) {
var dialog = event.getSource();
var popup = dialog.findComponent("aboutPopup");

- Change component visibility
function showText()
var output1 = AdfUIComponent.findComponent("output1")
var output2 = AdfUIComponent.findComponent("output2")
var input = AdfUIComponent.findComponent("input")

if (input.value == "")


- Read value from inputText
var input1 = document.getElementById('in1::content');
var input2 = document.getElementById('in2::content');

if (input1.value == input2.value)
alert("No Equals");

- Set Panel Splitter Position
function setSplitterPos(event) {
var source = event.getSource()

insert inside af:panelSplitter ---> af:clientListener as:
< af:clientListener method="setSplitterPos" type="propertyChange"/ >

- Execute af:commandButton action

var component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(commanButtonId);
AdfActionEvent.queue(component, component.getPartialSubmit());

- Execute goButton

function invokeGo(event){
var component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("gb1");
var redirectEvent = new AdfRedirectEvent(component, component.getDestination(), true);

Hint :
AdfRedirectEvent is an internal class and the target is not recognized. Note that on the goButton, you need to set the clientComponent property to true.

- Run file.exe
function RunExe()
var commandtoRun = "C:\\file.exe";
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
objShell.ShellExecute(commandtoRun, "", "", "open", 1);

- Accepting only Upper Case characters in input field

/// For IE only

function convertToUpperCase( _event ) {
var currText = null;
currText = String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode);
window.event.keyCode = currText.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);

/// For Mozilla

function convertToUpperCase( _event ) {
var _keycode = _event.getKeyCode();
if( ( _keycode > 64 && _keycode < 90 ) ||

( _keycode > 96 && _keycode < 123 ) ) {

currText = String.fromCharCode(_event.getKeyCode());
currText = currText.toUpperCase();

var _textFieldField = document.getElementById ( _event.getSource().getClientId() );
var _inputFields = _textFieldField.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
var _firstInputField = _inputFields[0];
_firstInputField.value = String.concat( _firstInputField.value, currText);

- To know which browser you use

function iEOrNot(myEvent) {
var currText = null;
myEvent = window.event;
if(navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
// I am IE
} else if(navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
// I am not IE

- Get screen width and hight

width = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width;

hight= java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().hight;

- Get Mac Address, Ip Address and Computer Name
function call(event) {
var source = event.getSource();
var macAddress = "";
var ipAddress = "";
var computerName = "";
var wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}");
e = new Enumerator(wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"));
for(; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {

var s = e.item();
macAddress = s.MACAddress;
ipAddress = s.IPAddress(0);
computerName = s.DNSHostName;

- Open inputDate calender

function openDate(event) {
src = event.getSource();
popup = src.findComponent(""+AdfRichUIPeer.CreateSubId(src.getClientId(), AdfDhtmlInputDatePeer._POPUP_ID));
hints = {alignId:src.getClientId(), align:AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_END_AFTER};

- Get keyCode of the key
function keyCode(evt) {
var k=evt.getKeyCode();

- Set cursor to inputText
function setFocus(evt) {
var t=document.getElementById('t1::content');// t1 is the inputText Id

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