Monday, August 15, 2022

New WFR Version released : version

 New WFR Version released : version.

With 12c4 version new AP project 2803 is released with 2x version from Hyland.

Changes from previous version is what you say is huge like most of the  ini entry now goes to database instead file system as in previous version.

There will be three schema in 2803 AP project with 12c4 version.

So, please review in details below before switching to new WFR version:

Forms Recognition AP Project 2803 (Version

Step1 Doc: Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project 2803 Installation and Configuration Guide--Schema and setups

Step2 Doc: Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Solution Migration Tool Installation Guide--Installation  and setups

Step3 Doc: Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Solution Configuration Manager Installation Guide--Installation  and setups

Forms Recognition AP Project 1007G (Version
Step4 Doc
Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Packaged Project Release Notes
Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project Guide
Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project Migration Guide--Copy from Old instance and then follow the mentioned guidelines and below steps..

Migration toll steps after all above:

1.Start the Solution Migration Tool as an Administrator using the option Run As Administrator.
2. Import package either Invoices or Invoices using the menu option. Refer to Solution Migration Tool User Guide for more information.
3. Click the Select Source Project button for the Source Project, then browse to and select it.
  Note: The existing AP Project will be scanned for any issues. If there is any item
  flagged in red, Please resolve it before moving on to the next step.
4. Click Go to migration tab after it is enabled.
5. Click the Select Template Project button for the Template Project, then browse to and
  select the migration template project (.sdp) file. This is typically located at <Installation
  Folder>\Projects\AP 1007G\Global\AP Packaged Project_1007G.sdp
6. As soon as the template project is selected. The project migration activity will start, and
  when it is completed a confirmation message is displayed.
7. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How to remove the default Column of WFR or OFR web verifier application and adjust the length

I came across many requirement where customer need to remove the some default column of the WFR or OFR webverifier column.Which is not required in normal business use case.

So here how it can be easily done:

Like as in below screen shot,we want to disable the Folder column:

For this we can edit the BatchView.aspx page  like below:

<asp:BoundField DataField="BatchFoldersCount" SortExpression="BatchFoldersCount"  Visible="false" >

After that rest the IIS application and then log in back you will see that Column is not visible here as below:

So,its easy.....   :)

In case any issue please leave comment or email me.

Monday, May 13, 2019

How to Upload the file to DOCS using REST API

1)      Environment created above will be same.
You can use UploadFile(Form data) under FileResource
In case you want to upload the file to home folder Parent ID :self andin choose files browse to folder on your local machine and select the files you need to upload as per below screen shot:

And then click send ,files will be uploaded to DOCS.

For commiting to particular folder:


Pass folder id as abobe marked in red:

Create Folder in DOCS using Rest API Via Postman

Create Folder in DOCS using Rest API Via Postman

1)      You need to create Environment first. While creating the Environment make sure
Key: hostname
And Value is   https:/

As per below screen shot:


Also make sure Basic authorization is save

2)Now in case you want to create folder within another folder you need to pass the folder GUID to Post of method Create Folder under Folder Resource marked in red as per below screen shot:

After that click on SEND and you will see the folder will be created inside the folder for which guid is provided.

Below screen shot for getting the folder GUID:

3)Now in case you want to create folder on home page not inside any other folder you need to write self instead of folder GUID as per below screen shot

After that click send and new folder will be created on home page.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to extend domain when servers are deleted from weblogic console

Recently there has been a issue where we have deleted one server from weblogic console.

Now when we want to extent the domain the options to extend are disable as below:

So to enable the option once again follow below points:

1)Go to below location:


2)Edit the domain-info.xml and remove the entries for IBR server for example and now I am able to extend the domain for the server.

3) Also

Edit Config-groups.xml with any text editor and remove the following entries of issued server example for IBR shown below:

<group name="IBR-MAIN-APPS">
     <app-deployment name="IBR"/>

<server-group name="IBR-MGD-SVRS" processed="true">


Issue is that once you delete the server from the console then entries to domain-info.xml is not deleted.

So,to enable the configuration wizard you need to remove the entries so that when you want to extent again it will not find the sever entries and thus allow you to extend.
