Friday, August 30, 2013

SOA Composite Deployment issue - Unable to access the following endpoint(s) - caused by "Policy Manager is not deployed"


 FabricInvocationException: Unable to access the following endpoint(s): http://<someUrlHere>


In case you don't have the "wsm-pm" application in the WLS Deployments section, you will need to extend your your domain in order to install Oracle WSM Policy Manager

If the application is installed but not in "Active" state, it's not actually deployed, so the first thing that you need to check is whether or not it has the correct servers targeted for it's deployment: only the managed servers should be targeted and in case you have a SOA cluster, wsm-pm must target the whole cluster for deployment.

After saving these changes, try to restart the "wsm-pm" application from the Deployments section of WLS Console. The issue should be resolved.

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